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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

"I'm Sorry"

   Two simple words, "I'm Sorry" are so hard for some to say. Some say those words and never mean them. Some people wait for many years to hear those words and expect a closure that never comes. So why is it that the simplest of words in the English language, or any language for that matter, carry such deep scars, and such great animosity?

Friday, 23 March 2012

المكرونة الايطالي بالجمبري

المكرونة الايطالي بالجمبري

Click here to find out more!

 المكونات: [COLOR="SlateGray"] 1\/2 كيلو مكرونة قلم 1\/2 كيلو جمبري

الارز البسمتى على طريقة تكا

الارز البسمتى على طريقة تكا

Click here to find out more!

 المكونات: كوب ارز 3 كوب مرقة 1 بصلة مبشورة

دجاج الفريدو

Click here to find out more!
 المقادير: نصف علبة من الزبدة 6 فصوص ثوم مهروسة

طريقة عمل الشاورما

طريقه سهله لعمل الشاورما
Click here to find out more!
2 صدور الدجاج
1 لفة بقدونس مفروم+1طماطم مقطعه
1بصلة مبشورة
1 كوب زبادى
2 ملعقة خل
1 ملعقة شاى ملح
فلفل اسود بهارات
1ملعقة سمن كبيرة

طريقة عمل الآيس كريم


1كوب من اللبن

1كوب من السكر

1كوب من فاكهة الموسم

2صفار بيض

2ملعقة من النشا

2عصير ليمونة

Anger Management

Anger Management

    Do you know that learning to manage anger is good for your health? People who manage their anger get sick less often, and feel better emotionally.Anger is a natural emotion but sometimes anger can lead to behavior that is uncomfortable or out of control. It may even feel like the anger is controlling you. Have you ever had this happen to you? If so, you're not alone. Many teens have trouble managing their anger. This guide was created to help you understand and learn to manage your anger, and offer you productive ways to manage your behavior.


Dealing with Divorce and Separation

     If your parents are recently separated or divorced, you are probably dealing with a lot of changes in your family life. Things may feel like they’re changing even if it has been a while since your parents separated or divorced. You may be living full-time with one parent, or you may be going back and forth between both of your parent's homes. You may be living with a parent and your parent's new partner and also dealing with stepbrothers and sisters or new half-brothers and sisters. You may even be living with your grandparents.


 Stress and How to Lower It

   You know when you’re stressed out – your body feels bad and your thoughts are spinning. It can also help to know why your body reacts that way, and what can you do about it. Our bodies are designed to handle calm situations, and also exciting or dangerous ones. When you’re in the middle of something scary or challenging, your body gets into a mode that’s better for handling the situation. This is a state of high energy and sharp senses, such as the way you feel when you’re playing a fun sport or doing really well on a test. However, when the situation turns into more than you can handle, that’s when you start to feel stress. It’s as if your body is shouting "Do something!", and your brain is shouting back "I don’t know what to do!"

Self Esteem

Self-Esteem & Body Image

  The effects of body image on self-esteem can be especially powerful during the teenage years. Although it's perfectly normal to have negative thoughts and feelings towards your self once in a while, finding ways to be positive is the key to building a healthy body image and good self-esteem.


   Depression is not just a disease of the mind. Depression hurts the heart, too.
It is well known that major depressive disorders increase the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Homemade masks

When your complexion needs a little burst of nutrients and your mind needs a moment to relax and forget about the day, it's time to look into the benefits of facial masks. From homemade to high-end boutique skin care lines, facial serum can take that glow from healthy to vibrant. Below are two examples of facial toner. The first you can make at home and only takes a few minutes. The other you can buy from a high-end natural skin care line! Enjoy!

Yoga Tips for Beginners

   The popularity of yoga has been growing in recent years and more and more people every day are taking it up for many different reasons. Yoga poses for beginners is something that more and more people are wanting to find out about

Nursing Safety Tips

   When it comes to being a nurse, you have to try and stay as safe as possible while you are on the job. There are a lot of things that can happen to someone who is working in a medical work place. Because of this, there are certain procedures and practices that have been put in place to keep both the medical professionals and their patients healthy and safe.

5 Tips to Stop a Nose Bleed

Tip 1: Use moisturizer.
Prevent it before it happens. The main cause of a bloody nose is because of a dry environment. If you live in an area where it is typically dry and lacking humidity, then it is wise to apply lubricant to the inside of your nose to keep it from getting irritated. Often what happens is when our noses become dry, we have a tendency to pick the interior of the nostrils with our finger or rub the exterior of the nose because of the dryness. Try taking some Vaseline and apply it to the interior of both nostrils to alleviate the "caked dry" feeling you get with a dry nose.
Tip 2: Use a humidifier.
Again, prevention is always the best remedy. The most likely reason you have a nose bleed is because the air where you live isn't at an appropriate humidity level for your airways. To increase moisture in your room or work environment, plug in a humidifier to disperse water vapour so the air is friendlier to your nostrils. Some humidifiers have various humidity settings, so make sure you adjust it to your personal preferences. If the machine is too noisy and you use it in your room, try keeping it running for an hour before you go to bed and close your door to keep in the moisture. When it's time for bed, you can turn off the humidifier and enjoy a quiet night's sleep!
Tip 3: Slow down the blood flow.
When you notice it happening, the best way to stop a nose bleed is to plug your nose with your thumb and index finger. Quickly go find some tissue and block your nostrils with it to prevent the blood from running. Many people have a tendency to tilt their head back when they have a nose bleed, but the best tactic is to lean forward and get the blood to clot by keeping the nose plugged with your fingers and the tissue. If you lean your head back, then it is less likely to clot quickly, and the blood will drip down your throat instead.
Tip 4: Relax.
Once you have stopped the nose from bleeding, there is always a chance it could re-occur afterward. So the best thing to do is to sit down, relax and breathe calmly with some tissue on reserve -- just in case it bleeds again. Avoid touching your nose since it could re-aggravate it. Drink a glass of water to clean your throat and get rid of any remains of blood in the throat to avoid nausea from the smell. Also remember not to blow or pick your nose after a nose bleed since it is very sensitive and could cause more irritation.
Tip 5: Use caution.
If your nose hasn't stopped bleeding after 30 minutes then take the proper precautions and visit a doctor. You could have a serious issue that cannot be resolved at home. If the blood is particularly thin and watery you should rush to the emergency hospital immediately. Be sure to consult a physician if you have any nausea, dizziness or vomiting accompanying the nose bleed. It is wise to visit your doctor if you suffer from frequent nose bleeds that persist on a regular basis. You can never be too careful when it comes to your health.

By following these 5 tips, you should have fewer problems with your bloody nose and be back to normal again.

قيل في الحب

لا تنتظر حبيبا قد باعك وانتظرضوء جديدا يمكن ان يتسلل الي قلبك الحزين فيعيد لايامك البهجه ويعيد لقلبك نبضه الجميل

لا تحاول البحث عن حلم خذلك وحاول ان تجعل من حالة الانكسار بدايه حلم جديد

لاتحزن اذا جاءك سهم قاتل من اقرب الناس لقلبك فسوف تجد من ينزع السهم ويعيد لك الحياه والابتسامه.

لا تبكي علي اي علاقه في الحياه لان الذي تبكي من اجله لايستحق دموعك والشخص الذي يستحق دموعك لم يدعك تبكي ابدا.

الحب من بوابه العقل وحده يفقد اثارته ومن بوابه القلب وحده يفقد اتزانه ومن بوابه الاتفاق بين العقل والقلب يعني الخلودوالبقاء.

بين الحب والوقت علاقه ابديه فالحب يقتل الوقت بسرعه شديده والوقت يقتل الحب ببطئ شديد

أقوال في الحب

الحب سلطان ولذلك فهو فوق القانون

أنت لا تعرف قلبك حتى تفشل في الحب

الحب كالقمر له وجهان: الغيرة هي الوجه المظلم

الحب يقضي على الكثير من الآلام لأنه أعظمها

Love Quotes

For a second I was almost jealous of the clouds. Why was he looking to them for an escape when I was right here beside him?
Kamila Shamsie

Love can never be taught for it is to be learned; love can never be bought for it is to be given; love can never be kept for it is to be free; love can never be old for it lives to last a lifetime.

If you love someone you would be willing to give up everything for them, but if they loved you back they’d never ask you to.

Strong Women Quotes

"It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always." ~ Oprah Winfrey

"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." ~ Maya Angelou

"But life is a battle: may we all be enabled to fight it well!" ~ Charlotte Bronte

Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.
- Anaïs Nin

Monday, 19 March 2012

كيكة الشيكولاتة

طريقة عمل الممبار

نصف كيلو ممبار (بقري أو ضاني)
2 كوب أرز مغسول ومصفي
2بصلة مبشورة
7 ثمرات طماطم مقطعة مكعبات أومبشورة
ملح وفلفل أبيض / بقدونس - كسبرة خضراء
نعناع - شطة /سمن او زيت
الممبار فى الخل لمدة ساعه علشان نتخلص من اى ريحة
وبعدين نغسله وبعدين نحشية

الحشوة ( خلطة المحشى العادى )

نغسل الارز
نبشر البصل والطماطم و نحطهم على الشبت و البقدونس والك.رة ونضيف لهم الارز والملح والفلفل والكمون والشطة ونقلبهم جيدا وبعدين نحط السمن
بالقمع- نحشي

الممبار لثلثه بس بالخلطةو بعدين ندوس على الممبار بايدنا خفيف علشان توزعى الخلطة و عشان ما يبقاش الممبار مكبوس قوى
- فى حلة كبيرة نغلى ماء و نضع به ملح و نمسك كل قطعة ممبار و نزلها بالراحة فى الماءالمغلى نلاحظ انها تنكمش و تتقفل من الطرفين و يترك على النار حتى ينضج
- يصفي من ماء السلق و يحمر في الزيت

و بالهنا و الشفا